Japanese-Style Edamame & Herb Butter Pull-Apart Bread


Edamame, which is a familiar companion to beer, is a crop that has been popular in Japan for a long time.
It is rich in dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B1, which are also abundant in soybeans.
Studies have shown that edamame contains about 4 times more folic acid, 20 times more vitamin C, and 90 times more β-carotene than the nutritional value of soybeans per 100 calories.

Japanese-Style Edamame & Herb Butter Pull-Apart Bread

***You can also make this dish with pre-made bread, in that case, you only need to follow step 8, 10, 11, and 14.
Servings 5
Cook Time 1 hour 20 minutes


  • 200 g strong flour
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 100 cc milk
  • 1/2 egg
  • 20 g unsalted butter

Herb butter

  • 20 g unsalted butter
  • 1/2 piece grated garlic
  • 1/4 tbsp thyme or marjoram
  • A pinch of basil
  • 50 g (net) frozen edamame
  • 25 g cheese for pizza
  • 1/2 beaten egg


  • Put half of the flour in a bowl, and add the dry yeast and sugar but keep it on the side of the bowl.
  • Put the other half of the flour and salt in another bowl.
  • Cut the butter into smaller pieces and bring to room temperature. Divide the butter into two portions of 20gr each; one is for the bread itself and the other one is for the herb butter. Beat the eggs. Warm the milk in a microwave oven at 600W for 20 seconds.
  • Pour the warmed milk on top of the dry yeast in the bowl of ①. Add beaten egg and stir to mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula.
  • Add the contents of the bowl of ② and mix it with a wooden spatula until it is no longer powdery. Then add butter and mix briefly.
  • Move the dough to a table and knead it until it is stretchy. When the dough comes together, knead it into a V shape.
  • Re-roll the dough and put it back in the bowl. Put a plastic wrap on it, and after making holes in several places, first, ferment it at 25°C for 25 minutes.
  • Prepare the herb butter and filling material during the fermentation time. Mix grated garlic and herbs in butter that is at room temperature. Thaw the edamame after removing them from the pods, peel the thin skin off, and then roughly chop them.
  • Once the dough has doubled in size, the primary fermentation is completed. Put the dough on the table and press it down lightly with your hands to release the air. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Roll out the rested dough with a rolling pin into a rectangle of about 30 cm x 20 cm. Apply the herb butter prepared in ⑧ on top and cut it in half vertically as shown in the picture.
  • Sprinkle the edamame and cheese on top.
  • Place the right side of the dough on top of the left side and divide the two layers of dough into three equal parts, as shown in the picture. Butter an 18 cm long mold.
  • Put the cut dough in the mold so that it becomes vertical, and secondarily ferment at 40℃ for 15 minutes. *The dough is shown in the photo to give you an idea. You can put it in the mold more fluffy because it is actually puffy.
  • Lightly coat the bread with the rest of the beaten eggs and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. *Cover it with aluminum foil if it browns too quickly.
  • Once it has cooled down a bit, remove it from the mold.
  • Gently pull on it with your hand and it will slice cleanly as if you had cut it with a knife. I can't get enough of the melted cheese and savory herb butter inside!
Course: Appetizer, Breakfast/Lunch
Cuisine: Japanese
Keyword: baking

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